Monday, February 9, 2009

Life of a Roadie!

It has been sometime since my last blog, I know I have been slacking but to tell you the truth life has been moving pretty fast as of late! 2 weeks ago I started the P90X workout traning system! It has totally changed my life! Not only that but life at Crossroads had been moving nonstop and it is about to get faster! Alittle over a year ago my life needed alot of direction and going to Pastor Gene's house that sunday morning and seeing for myself what Crossroads was all about was the catalyst for what is transpiring now! I will get to yesterday's service later in the blog, but the relationships I have made coming in and out Crossroads are the best that I have ever made!

This past sunday though was the best that I have ever experienced since being at Crossroads! The build up was incredible! I dont know what it was, I couldnt explain it any better than just when you stepped into the theatre, ( Crossroads meets at the College Cinema in Enterprise! ) you knew God was up to something! I knew it was going to be Kyle and Rosio Stojahann's last sunday with us and for me it was sad seeing them go, but also it turned into a homecoming service! A few families came back to Crossroads after some time away and it was absolutely glorious!

And the service was awesome! Natalie Lurie one of the Media Arts Pastors brought the message yesterday about unrealitistic expectaions in or going into marriages can lead to disappointment! Natalie brought her A game and really hit home with those in the crowd! The series during the month of Feburary is called " Game Show " and Natalie was the MC of the " Newlywed Game ." Not being married myself ( and for that fact dont know if I will be ) took away alot from the message and just couldnt get over all that God orchestrated to make yesterday happen!

Being a roadie is so much more than just meeting on Sundays and patting each other on the back and saying see you next week, its way more! Since day 1 we have encouraged everyone to stay connected through out the week! There's blogs , twitter, text messages and almost upon us is small groups! Its my belief that the roadies will infitrate this town and take it over with the love of Jesus one relationship at a time! After all Jesus said people would know we belonged to Him because of our love for one another!


Chris Brooks said...

yep, THis Sunday was one the best, i think too!!
and it's just going to keep getting better from here!

much love bro,

maritalynn said...

Sunday was definitely the best.
I'm not sure what it was but there was a great vibe going!

I agree with Christ it's just gonna keep getting better from here!

Anonymous said...

It was an amazing day! It seems that Crossroads is not only a church, but a culture of people who are tired of living isolated lives, who long for deep connections with God and each other. My life gets richer every week as I get to know people better via twitter, facebook, and time together over lunch or coffee. What a thrill!