Friday, December 19, 2008

Year In Review!

Wow! Thats all I can say when I look back at 2008!

From Janurary til now I think back to all that has happened in my life and what I saw, experienced, felt, and lived through, God is amazing! Feburary was a bitter sweet month for me! On Feburary 10th of this year I decided to make a new and young church my church home, and it still is to this day! Also in the month of Feburary I had a co-worker of mine pass with cancer! Jewel McGee and I werent the best of friends or co workers, but reconciled and became good friends before she died and that holds a special place in my heart for one of my fallen comrads!

March, was a busy month with getting the annex, ( the old church building at Morgan Square Mall ) ready for occupancy, taking the Road Trip to Ocala, Fl with the Roadies to the first service Easter Sunday at Crossroads! I remember so much about that service, I remember some of the songs we sang, what I felt then and it holds a memeory not to forget! Seeing the room to capacity was awesome! Also going to the Auburn Spring Game with my Friend Dante, James, and of course my nephew Josh! Great day, alot of fun and a tradition that will carry on for a long time!

On April 5th I took a croos country trip to Oregon to visit my friends Chris and Clarissa! What a week I spent visiting California and Oregon! Things were very different there but it was awesome and I look forward to my return trip out there but to where , I dont know yet! I also made a good friend and although we didnt last as a couple I met an awesome person named Wendy! She is an incredible person with a huge heart that I learned so much from that she doesnt even know! God has incredible plans for her and I pray that her eyes will be opened to that as she lives her life to its fullest!

Football season, ha ha ha what a disappointment but it ended well with the forced passing of the torch so to speak from Coach Tommy Tuberville to Coach Gene Chizik! Josh experienced his first loss to Alabama and what that feels like, and in his words, lets not do that again! Ha ha I love my little buddy!

August 10, 2008 was the day Crossroads began at the College Cinema and it changed the way I view people and church forever! What a day, what a start, what a God! There is so much I am leaving out, Serving at Bama Jam, Freedom Fest, and the Beach, Barbaque, Baptism were all memorible events and being apart of them shaped the year into what it was, 2008 in the life of this roadie was very eventful, memorable, and is soon to be in the books! Next Blog I will talk about the life of this roadie in 2009 and what that means for me! Cant wait? Me either!


Anonymous said...

2008 truly was an amazing year! Can't wait to see what He has in store for 2009!

Chris V. said...

Me either Pastor Leslie! I couldnt imagine what my life would be like if Crossroads hadnt happened! And bringing you and Gene back in my life was more than I can say! I love you guys!

Chris Brooks said...

I agree man!
2008 was one for the books!
probably the most life-changing year of my life so far!
and meeting you and the others at Xroads has been an awesome blessing!
thanks for all the 2minute conversasions on Rob bell, Judiaism, creation, whether farts can be eaten!
ha ! it's been a blast!